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The Protected Designation of Origin "Sannio" includes a wide range of wines, belonging to heterogeneous categories: White, Red, Rosé, Sparkling and Spumante, in addition to the variants Reserve, Superior and Novello. There are also many monovarietal productions: Aglianico, Aglianico-Piedirosso, Barbera, Coda di Volpe, Fiano, Greco, Moscato, Piedirosso, Sciascinoso. Finally, there are also several productions with sub-area indications: Guardia Sanframondi or Guardiolo, Sant'Agata dei Goti, Solopaca, Solopaca Classico and Taburno. A detailed and exhaustive list can be found in the product specification.


For the production of white wines is required a 50% (minimum) of grapes from Trebbiano Toscano and Malvasia Bianca di Candia. Reds and rosés, on the other hand, require 50% Sangiovese. The Spumante variants (basic, Metodo Classico and quality method) require at least 70% Aglianico and/or Falanghina. Finally, in all productions with indications of grape variety, the latter must represent at least 85% of the ampelographic base of the varieties used. In all the wines of the denomination, to complete the missing quotas, the use of other similar grape varieties, suitable for cultivation in the "provincia di Benevento", is allowed.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The wide range of wines covered by the denomination means that the organoleptic characteristics expressed are equally varied. The peculiarities of each production, punctually traceable in the specification, are influenced by different factors: the prevailing grape variety, the method of vinification, the sub-area of production. In general, however, all Sannio wines are balanced and original.

Grape production area

Although the production area is large and coincides with the territory of the entire "provincia di Benevento", it is characterised by sufficient morphological uniformity and a substantially hilly pattern.

Specificity and historical notes

Archaeological elements confirm that the "provincia di Benevento" was already an area of wine production in the second century BC.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies