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Nuragus di Cagliari

The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) "Nuragus di Cagliari" identifies the homonymous white wine, also produced in the sparkling variant.


All the wines of the Nuragus of Cagliari denomination are produced using at least 85% of Nuragus grapes, together with other white grapes, suitable for cultivation in Sardegna.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The basic version of Nuragus di Cagliari (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of 10.5% vol.) has a straw yellow colour (sometimes softer), enhanced by light greenish reflections. Its aroma is characteristic, delicate and pleasant and it combines with an equally characteristic taste, with a taste that goes from dry to medium-sweet. In the Sparkling variant (10.5% vol.), on the other hand, there remains a pale straw yellow hue with greenish reflections, which, however, accompanies a vinous and pleasant aroma and a harmonious and slightly acidic flavour, ranging from dry to medium-sweet.

Grape production area

The production area covers four different Sardinian provinces: Cagliari, Medio Campidano, Carbonia-Iglesias and Oristano. It is a rather vast area, characterized by a considerable geological complexity but also by general climatic conditions very favorable to the growth of the vine.

Specificity and historical notes

Nuragus is a very ancient vine, whose origins are rather obscure, both in terms of its cultivation and in terms of its name. Its development followed the general development of Sardinian viticulture, which experienced a real rise in 1700, during the period of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies

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