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Valtellina Rosso o Rosso di Valtellinate

The "Valtellina Rosso", also known as "Rosso di Valtellina", is a red wine, protected by a protected designation of origin, and produced in a single type, without variants or additional indications.


The red Valtellina wine can be prepared using grapes from vineyards composed, for at least 90%, of the Nebbiolo grape variety, which locally is also called Chiavennasca. If necessary, for the remaining 10% (maximum), other non-aromatic red grapes suitable for cultivation in Lombardy may be used.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

Valtellina Rosso is a wine with a pleasant ruby colour, which can be veined with garnet reflections. It has a characteristic, delicate and persistent aroma and is accompanied by a dry and slightly tannic taste, which may also have a perception of wood. The alcohol content is 11% vol.

Grape production area

The production area coincides with the Valtellina, in the province of Sondrio, from which the wine takes its name. The area is particularly suited to viticulture thanks to the protection it receives from the presence of the Rhaetian and Orobian Alps, and from the proximity of Lake Como.

Specificity and historical notes

Valtellina's viticulture has Roman origins, if not earlier, and has remained constantly alive over the centuries. The great commercial development, however, came in the second half of the 1500s, when Valtellina became a Grisons territory (Swiss government) and was included in a dense network of trade relations.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies