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"Sovana" wines, a protected designation of origin, can be produced in four basic types: Red, Reserve Red, Superiore Red, and Rosé. Then there are the variants with indications of grape variety: Aleatico (Riserva, Passito, Riserva passito and Superiore), Cabernet sauvignon (Superiore and Riserva), Ciliegiolo (Superiore and Riserva), Merlot (Superiore and Riserva) and Sangiovese (Superiore and Riserva).


For red and rosé "Sovana" wines, without indication of the vine variety, the production takes place with at least 50% Sangiovese grapes. In the case of single-variety wines, however, the specific reference grapes must cover 85% of the total (minimum). In all types, moreover, with completely missing quotas, the use of other similar grape varieties, suitable for cultivation in Toscana, is allowed.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The organoleptic characteristics of "Sovana" red wines (vol. 11-12%) are strongly influenced by the percentage of presence of Sangiovese. In general, these wines are ruby red in color, with possible violet reflections when young, and nuances towards garnet when aged. Aging is also responsible for the progressive increase in aromatic complexity, breadth and elegance, with the emergence of herbaceous scents and small red fruits and spicy notes. An analogous effect in terms of taste, with wines that acquire body and volume. Rosè (vol. 11%), on the other hand, has a color ranging from pale pink to cherry, enhanced by intense, fruity and delicate aromas and a fresh, savory, dry and slightly acidic flavor. A more detailed description of the organoleptic characteristics of each wine can be found in the product specification.

Grape production area

The production area, which coincides with the south-eastern part of the province of Grosseto, is characterised by a hilly and foothill landscape with a Mediterranean climate.

Specificity and historical notes

In the area of "Sovana" wines, the vine was already known and cultivated in the Etruscan and Greek periods. It was during the Roman domination, however, that the techniques were greatly refined and the production reached levels of excellence.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies