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Rosso Piceno

"Rosso Piceno" or "Piceno", is a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) reserved for a specific type of red wine, also produced in the Sangiovese, Novello and Superiore variants.


"Rosso Piceno", also in the Novello and Superiore variants, is made with grapes from vineyards mainly composed of two varieties: Montepulciano (with a share between 35% and 85%) and Sangiovese (with a share between 15% and 50%). If necessary, up to a maximum of 15% of other non-aromatic red grapes, suitable for cultivation in the Marche region, may be used. The variant with an indication of the Sangiovese vine, on the other hand, requires that it represents at least 85% of the blend, in competition with other varieties identified as above (maximum 15%).

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The "Rosso Piceno" and the monovitigno Sangiovese variants are ruby-red wines, with different possible intensity levels. The aroma is characteristic and delicate and is accompanied by a harmonious, pleasant and parched flavour. Finally, both have a minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of 11.5% vol. The Novello (11% vol.) has the same ruby hue, but with a characteristic, fine and fragrant aroma and a parched, harmonious and velvety taste. In the Superiore variant, the ageing process turns the original ruby colour towards garnet; the aroma is complex, pleasant and slightly ethereal; the flavour is savoury, harmonious and pleasantly parched.

Grape production area

The production area is a portion of the Marche Region, between the Metauro river (north) and the Trono river (south).

Specificity and historical notes

The origins of viticulture and winemaking in the lands of "Rosso Piceno" can be traced, on the one hand to the action of the Greek colonists, founders of the city of Ancona, and on the other hand to the influence of neighboring Etruscans.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies