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Romagna Albana

The Protected Designation of Origin “Romagna Albana” includes different types of red wines: dry, medium sweet, sweet, “Passito” and “Passito riserva”.


The prevailing grape used to produce all these wines is that of the "Albana" vine, present for a share that can not be less than 95%. The remaining 5%, on the other hand, can be obtained using other white grapes.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The colour of "Romagna Albana" dry (12% vol.) is straw yellow and tends to golden with ageing. The aroma is characterized by a light scent, typical of the Albana vine, while the taste is dry, a bit tannic, warm and harmonious. In the medium sweet variant, on the other hand, we find a fruity and pleasant taste and a higher alcohol content, equal to 12.50% vol. "Romagna Albana" sweet (12.50% vol.) retains the same colour and aroma as the previous wines, but is distinguished by a fruity and sweet flavour. Passito (17% vol.) is golden yellow with a tendency towards amber and has a more velvety, sweet and sweet flavour. While the Passito Riserva (24% vol.) has clear fruity notes of noble rot and a full and intensely sweet taste.

Grape production area

Emilia Romagna is the production area par excellence of Albana wines, since this vine has found in the central-eastern lands of the region the most suitable territory for its development.

Specificity and historical notes

The Albana vine should have been introduced in Emilia Romagna already by the Romans, but this reconstruction has not a full foundation, according to experts. Certainly, however, we know that, in 1300, Pier de' Crescenzi stated with certainty that Romagna was the place where Albana gave its best.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies