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The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) "Roero" includes four types of white and red wines: Roero, Roero Riserva, Roero Arneis and Roero Arneis Spumante. In addition, the mention of the vineyard is allowed.


Roero and Roero Riserva are wines produced with a clear prevalence of grapes from the Nebbiolo vine (minimum 95%), combined with a share (maximum 5%) of other white grapes, non-aromatic, suitable for cultivation in Piemonte. The Arneis and Arneis Spumante variants, on the other hand, are made from a minimum of 95% Arnei grapes and the remainder from other non-aromatic white grapes that are widespread in Piemonte.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The Roero wine (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 12.50% vol.), even in the Riserva variant, can have a ruby red color or closer to garnet. The aroma is characteristic and fruity, enriched by a hint of wood in case of aging in barrels. At the same time, the taste it shows on the palate is full-bodied, dry, harmonious and possibly tannic. Roero Arneis (11.00% vol.), on the other hand, is a white wine with a straw yellow hue, with a delicate, fresh aroma, sometimes accompanied by hints of wood. The taste is elegant and harmonious, in some cases tannic. Similar characteristics are found in Arneis Spumante, which is enhanced by a fine and persistent foam and a scent with hints of yeast, bread crust and vanilla. The taste ranges from brut nature to sweet.

Grape production area

The production area is located in nineteen municipalities in the province of Cuneo, to the left of the river Tanaro.

Specificity and historical notes

Nebbiolo and Arneis are the vines par excellence that are cultivated in the production area of Roero. The Arneis, in particular, has a very ancient history and the origin of its name is believed to come from a dialectal term that indicates the grumpy and irascible people.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies