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"Colli Bolognesi Classico Pignoletto" (DOCG) is the Protected Designation of Origin reserved for white wine with the indication of grape variety.


At least 95% of the grapes used for its production come from the Pignoletto grape variety. Other white grapes, suitable for cultivation in Emilia-Romagna, may also be used, provided they remain below the 5% threshold.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

"Colli Bolognesi Classico Pignoletto" has a straw yellow colour with variable intensity. The aroma is delicate and characteristic and accompanies a fine and harmonious taste. The minimum total alcoholic strength by volume is 12.00% vol.

Grape production area

The production area of "Colli Bolognesi Classico Pignoletto" is mainly within the province of Bologna and, in a small part, in the province of Modena. The area is hilly, bordered by the Val Samoggia and the valley of the fiume Reno, as well as by the smaller valleys designed by the Samoggia, Lavino and Idice streams.

Specificity and historical notes

Traces of this wine and its ancestors can be found in numerous historical texts and documents. The most important and authoritative mention is undoubtedly the one made by Pliny the Elder in his "Naturalis Historia". To remember also the description of the Pignoletto made by Pier de' Crescenzi in his "Ruralium commordorum - book XII" (1300) or the quotation of Agostino Gallo in "Le venti giornate dell'agricoltura" (The twenty days of agriculture) of 1567.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies