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Piave Malanotte o Malanotte del Piave

"Piave Malanotte" or "Malanotte del Piave" (DOCG) is a Protected Designation of Origin reserved for the red wine of the same name produced in the Piave basin.


The grapes used to produce this wine come from two varieties: Raboso del Piave, with a share of not less than 70%, and Raboso Veronese, up to a maximum of 30%. The latter can be replaced by other red varieties, as long as they do not exceed 5% of the total.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

"Piave Malanotte" is a red wine with an intense ruby hue, with violet reflections. Aging causes the colour to change towards garnet. The nose releases a typical scent of morello cherry, blackberry, cherry and blueberry to which, with maturation, are added spicy notes of mint and eucalyptus. The taste is austere and savoury, with high tannicity, which however does not affect the softness; there may also be hints of wood, when aged in cask. The minimum total alcoholic strength by volume is 12.50% vol.

Grape production area

"Piave Malanotte" wines are produced in an area marked by the presence of the river Piave. A lowland territory, with a temperate climate, characterized by cool winds that cause important temperature ranges day-night.

Specificity and historical notes

The medieval village of Malanotte is the symbol of the area where the homonymous wine is produced. A territory where the vine has been present for thousands of years. More precisely, from 181 B.C., when the Romans built the consular road Postumia. Then, after a long period of stagnation, during the period of the barbarian invasions, viticulture began to grow decisively with the domination of the Republic of Venice.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies