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The "Pergola" is a Protected Designation of Origin that includes a wide range of wines: Aleatico (produced in the Superiore, Riserva, Spumante and Passito typologies), Rosato (also sparkling), Rosato or Rosè Spumante and Rosso (with Novello, Superiore and Riserva variants).


The reference vine for the production of "Pergola" wines is Aleatico, which however is present with different percentages in the different types. In red, rosé and rosé, for example, at least 60% of the grapes must come from this vine, while the remaining part can be represented by other black grapes, suitable for cultivation in the Marche region. The percentage rises to 85% in the Pergola Aleatico variant.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The "Pergola" wines have organoleptic characteristics clearly influenced by the Aleatico grape variety, which is predominant in the winemaking process. Starting with the color, which is a pleasant bright red, with precious purple reflections. The aromatic complexity is remarkable, both in terms of perfume and taste. The Pergolas are rich in spicy notes and floral hints of rose and raisin violet. On the palate they are full, harmonious and well-balanced, giving the mouth a sensation of softness and roundness, largely due to the sweet tannins. In the specification you can learn about the organoleptic characteristics and peculiarities of each type.

Grape production area

The limited production area covers the territory of five municipalities, all in the province of Pesaro - Urbino. The area, with its hilly profile, is crossed by the Cesano river.

Specificity and historical notes

The vine first appeared in the territory of Pergola in 1200, shortly after the foundation of the city, imported by a nobleman from Gubbio. The most important growth, however, took place from 1500.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies