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Montello-Colli Asolani

The Protected Designation of Origin "Montello Colli Asolani" identifies both white and red wines. These wines are produced in the basic version or with the following grape varieties: Bianchetta, Chardonnay, Chardonnay spumante, Pinot grigio, Pinot bianco, Pinot bianco spumante, Manzoni bianco, Merlot, Cabernet, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Carmenère, Recantina, Venegazzù and Venegazzù superiore.


"Montello Colli Asolani" red is made from grapes from vineyards composed of Cabernet Sauvignon (from 40% to 70%), Merlot and/or Cabernet Franc and/or Carmenère (from 30% to 60%), plus other similar grapes provided they are not aromatic. Similar varieties are required for the wine with indication of sub-area Venegazzù, but with different percentages: between 50% and 70% for Cabernet Sauvignon, between 30% and 50% for the others. The same applies to white wines, where the main varieties are Chardonnay (40%-70%) and Glera, Manzoni bianco, Pinot bianco and/or Bianchetta (30%-60%). Finally, in all wines with an indication of the grape variety, this must represent the source of the grapes for at least 85%. For all productions, however, the use of other grape varieties is allowed, within the limit of the residual quotas.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

"Montello Colli Asolani" white (11.5% vol.), without specification, is straw yellow in color, enriched with greenish reflections, the smell is slightly fruity while the flavor is harmonious, fresh and fine. The Rosso (12% vol.), on the other hand, is ruby in colour, but as it ages it tends towards garnet; it has an intense, characteristic, pleasant aroma which, with ageing, tends towards ethereal; the flavour is robust, harmonious and slightly herbaceous. Monovitigno wines, on the other hand, have further organoleptic characteristics, peculiar to the grape variety of origin, which can be accurately traced in the specification.

Grape production area

The production area coincides with the hills of Montello and Colli Asolani.

Specificity and historical notes

The presence and development of the vine on the Asolani Hills and on the Montello is due to the Benedictine monks at first and, later down, when the Venetian Republic occurred.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies