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Montecucco Sangiovese

The Protected Designation of Origin "Montecucco Sangiovese", which falls within the category of DOCG, includes the homonymous red wine, with the possibility of indication of vineyard and mention Riserva.


“Montecucco Sangiovese" is obtained from the vinification of at least 90% of the grapes coming from the Sangiovese vine. Up to a maximum of 10% of the production may also include other red grapes, suitable for cultivation in Tuscany. However, black malvasia, black malvasia of toast and aleatico are excluded.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The ruby red color, very intense, is the distinctive feature of the appearance of "Montecucco Sangiovese". It is accompanied by a characteristic fruity aroma and a harmonious, dry and slightly tannic taste. The minimum total alcholic strength by volume reaches 13,00% vol. The Riserva variant, on the other hand, is ruby red, tending towards garnet. It has a characteristic perfume, ample and vinous, absolutely elegant. The aromatic profile increases and scents of small red fruits and spicy notes make their way. A wine that on the palate is full and dry and can be enhanced by a hint of wood. The minimum total alcholic strength by volume shall be 13,50% vol.

Grape production area

"Montecucco Sangiovese" is produced in an area in the province of Grosseto. The area extends to the slopes of Monte Amiata.

Specificity and historical notes

Viticulture in the "Montecucco Sangiovese" area probably arrived together with the Etruscans, but it experienced its most significant development under Roman rule. Numerous medieval documents underline the importance of wine in the economy of the time, so as to include the vines and land on which they were grown within the agreements of rulers and landowners.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies