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Malvasia di Bosa

"Malvasia di Bosa" is a Protected Designation of Origin that includes the homonymous white wine and its variants Riserva, Spumante and Passito.


In the production of Malvasia di Bosa wines is required the use of grapes from vineyards consisting, at a rate equals to 95%, in vine Malvasia di Bosa. Other white grapes, suitable by law for cultivation in Sardegna, may also be used for a maximum amount of 5%.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

Malvasia di Bosa (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 15% vol.) can be presented with a medium-sweet or sweet taste. It has a straw-yellow or golden aspect, with different degrees of intensity, and goes well with an aromatic, fruity, intense and characteristic aroma. The aromatic taste is also found in the flavor, which is velvety and harmonious. In the Riserva variant (15.5% vol.), the aroma becomes intense and complex, fine and delicate, while the flavour ranges from dry to sweet and is enriched, in some productions, with almond notes. The sparkling wine (12% vol.), on the other hand, is embellished with a fine and persistent froth and is straw yellow in colour, with an aromatic, fruity and characteristic aroma and a flavour that ranges from demi-sec to sweet. Finally, in the Passito wine (16% vol.) the golden tone is found, while the aroma becomes broad and the taste ranges from semi-sweet to sweet.

Grape production area

The territory of the designation Malvasia di Bosa is delimited in the north by the municipality of Bosa and in the south by Punta di Foghe. The area is known as Planargia and is characterised by a dry, warm climate.

Specificity and historical notes

Locally, the wine produced in Planargia is considered a prestigious product, to be uncorked on special occasions. Its fame can boast the recognition of great men of letters, among which the names of Luigi Veronelli and Mario Soldati stand out.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies