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Lessini Durello o Durello Lessini

The Protected Designation of Origin "Durello Lessini", also known as "Lessini Durello", identifies a sparkling wine, also produced in the reserve type.


The basic blend used to produce Lessini Durello must come from vineyards at least 85% of which are Durella vines, to which a maximum of 15% can be added, including Garganega, Chardonnay, Pinot bianco and Pinot nero, used alone or in combination.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

Lessini Durello (11% vol.) charmat method is a Spumante with a pale straw yellow colour and greenish reflections. The aroma is delicate and slightly fruity. The classic method version (11.5% vol.) has a more or less intense straw yellow colour and is characterized by a fine and persistent froth. The nose has a characteristic aroma with delicate hints of yeast. The Riserva variant of the classic method (11.5% vol.) emerges with a straw yellow colour, more or less intense, up to golden yellow with possible copper reflections while the smell has complex and evolved notes typical of a long aging in the bottle.

Grape production area

The production area is located between the provinces of Verona and Vicenza, in the hilly part of the Lessini Mountains.

Specificity and historical notes

The Durella vine comes from Durasena, already mentioned in the "Statutes of Costozza", in 1290. It is a vine that loves good exposure but also requires a good exchange of air.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies