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Falerno del Massico

"Falerno del Massico" is a Protected Designation of Origin that identifies different wines, white and red: White, Red, Red Reserve, Primitive and Primitive Reserve (or Old).


The white "Falerno del Massico" is made with grapes from vineyards composed of 85% Falangina grape. For the remaining part, up to a maximum of 15%, other vines suitable for cultivation in Campania can contribute. The red one, on the other hand, has a base of Aglianico (minimum 60%) and Piedirosso (maximum 40%). In addition, other varieties also contribute to the production, as specified above. Finally, the Primitivo is produced with grapes from vineyards with 85% Primitivo and the use of a share not exceeding 15% of other varieties.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The white "Falerno del Massico"(minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 12% vol.) has a straw-coloured white aspect, with greenish reflections. The aroma is vinous and pleasant and the taste dry and savory. The red "Falerno del Massico Rosso" (12.5% vol.) and its Riserva variant, on the other hand, has an intense ruby hue, which tends to garnet as it ages. The aroma releases a characteristic and intense perfume, while on the palate it is dry (for the Riserva) or sweet, warm, robust and harmonious. Similar organoleptic characteristics are also found in the Primitivo and in the relative Riserva, which emerge with a more persistent perfume and a slightly higher alcohol content, equal to 13% vol.

Grape production area

The production area is located in the northern part of the province of Caserta and is dominated by the profile of Mount Massico, which crosses it, dividing it into two.

Specificity and historical notes

The area where Falerno was born, in ancient times was known as Ager Falernus and already Virgil and Horace praised the wine production.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies