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Bosco Eliceo

The "Bosco Eliceo" Protected Designation of Origin includes some types of wine: Fortana base, lively and sparkling, Merlot base and lively, Sauvignon base, lively and sparkling, white base and sparkling.


The "Bosco Eliceo" Fortana, also in its lively and sparkling variants, is made up of at least 85% Fortana grapes; red grapes suitable for cultivation in the Emilia Romagna region up to a maximum of 15% can then be used to produce it. Merlot, on the other hand, is made up of at least 85% Merlot grapes, with which other red grapes may be added, for a maximum of 15%. The basic, lively and sparkling Sauvignon are composed for at least 85% of Sauvignon and can contribute to the production of grapes of the Trebbiano Romagnolo variety, up to a maximum of 15%. The basic and sparkling white wine, on the other hand, are composed for at least 70% of Trebbiano romagnolo, and for a maximum of 30% of Sauvignon, Malvasia bianca di Candia (absolute or combined), to which other white grapes may be added, up to a maximum of 15%.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The basic Fortana wines, lively and sparkling (vol. 10.5%) have a ruby red colour, more or less intense; the aroma is vinous and pleasant; the taste is dry, sweet or sweet, moderately tannic and savoury. The Merlot on the other hand (vol. 10.5%) have a ruby red colour with violet reflections; the aroma is herbaceous and characteristic, while the taste is dry or sweet, savoury and harmonious. The Sauvignon (11% vol.) have a straw-yellow hue, a delicate, almost aromatic aroma and a dry or sweet, warm and velvety flavour. The white, both basic and sparkling, (vol. 10.5%) has a light straw yellow aspect, the aroma is delicate, pleasant and characteristic, not very intense; the taste is dry or sweet or sweet, fresh, pleasant and harmonious.

Grape production area

The production area of "Bosco Eliceo" is characterised by the presence of sandy soils, which extend along the strip close to the Adriatic coast, originating largely from successive land reclamation and sediming of the Po and Reno rivers.

Specificity and historical notes

The wine tradition of the area is ancient and is already mentioned by the Latin georgic poets, as well as, in 1300, by Pier de 'Crescenzi.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies