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Bianchello del Metauro DOC

The Protected Designation of Origin "Bianchello del Metauro", presents the following varieties of wines: white, superior, spumante and passito.


At least 95% of "Bianchello del Metauro" wines are composed of Bianchello (Biancame) and a possible 5% (maximum) of Malvasia bianca lunga.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The white wine (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of 11.5% vol.) has a straw yellow colour, a delicate and characteristic aroma and a dry, fresh, harmonious and pleasant flavour. The superiore version (12.5% vol.), on the other hand, has a straw yellow colour, a delicate and characteristic aroma, a dry, fresh and harmonious flavour; the spumante (11.5% vol.) has a fine and persistent froth, a more or less intense straw yellow colour, its aroma is its own, delicate, fine and composite, its flavour ranges from extra dry to brut, savoury and fresh; the passito version (12% vol.), on the other hand, has a colour ranging from straw yellow to amber, the aroma is characteristic and intense, the taste is sweet, harmonious and velvety.

Grape production area

The production area of "Bianchello del Metauro" wines includes municipalities in the province of Pesaro and Urbino.

Specificity and historical notes

The tradition of winemaking in the area of production of "Bianchello del Metauro", has its roots in the deep past, at the time of the establishment of the first Benedictine settlements in the area. The deep historical bond, and the wide environmental variability, contribute to make Bianchello del Metauro a product of undoubted quality.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies