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The Protected Designation of Origin "Albugnano" includes three types of wine: Albugnano, rosé and superiore


The three types of wine are produced with at least 85% of the grapes coming from the Nebbiolo variety, and a maximum of 15% from the Freisa, Barbera and Bonarda varieties, which may be present alone or in combination.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The basic Albugnano (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 11.5% vol.) is ruby red in color more or less intense, sometimes with garnet highlights, has a delicate and winy, the flavor varies from dry to sweet, more or less tannic, persistent and lively, the rosé version (11% vol.) instead has a color from pink to cherry, the scent is delicate, fruity and sometimes winy, the flavor varies from dry to sweet and is persistent and lively, the upper version (11.5% vol.) in turn, has a ruby red color, with garnet reflections, the scent is delicate, the flavor is straight, full-bodied, slightly tannic and persistent.

Grape production area

Albugnano is produced in a hilly area, on sandy marl soils of medium texture, in the north-western area of Monferrato, province of Asti.

Specificity and historical notes

The connection between the wine and its territory of origin is deep and rooted, both geographically and historically. The particular conformation of the soils of the area, the variable pedology, and the ancient wine-growing tradition, create the favorable basis for a quality production.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies