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Aglianico del Vulture

The Protected Designation of Origin "Aglianico del Vulture", includes two types of wine: "Aglianico del Vulture"; and "Aglianico del Vulture", spumante".


Both types of wine are produced in purity, from grapes from the vine Aglianico del Vulture Nero and/or Aglianico Nero. 

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The Aglianico del Vulture wine (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 12,50% vol) is ruby red in colour, has a pleasant and intense aroma and a slightly tannic flavour that varies from dry to sweet. For the latter, the sugar content must not exceed 10 g per litre. The spumante version (vol 12. 5%), however, is ruby red, tending to garnet, the foam is fine and persistent, the smell is fruity and pleasant, the flavor varies from brut to extra dry. 

Grape production area

The production of "Aglianico del Vulture" takes place in Basilicata, on the slopes of Monte Vulture, in the province of Potenza. The territory is of medium and high hills, and is characterized by the presence of volcanic deposits. The soils therefore vary from sandy, sandy, pozzolanic to loamy-clayey type. 

Specificity and historical notes

The connection between the wine and its territory of origin is deep and rooted, both geographically and historically. The particular conformation of the soils of the area, their variable pedology, and the ancient wine-growing tradition, create the favorable basis for a quality production

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies