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Terre Siciliane

The Protected Geographical Indication "Terre Siciliane", identifies white wines (also in the types sparkling, spumante, passito, venddemmia tardiva e liquoroso), red wines (also in the types sparkling, raisin, late, new and fortified harvest) and rosé wines (also in the types sparkling, spumante and passito). In addition, there are also wines with an indication of one, two, three or four grape varieties.


Terre Siciliane are wines that must be produced from vines suitable for cultivation in Sicilia region. In case of specification of the vine, the use of at least 85% of the corresponding vine is mandatory, while for the remaining 15% other vine varieties suitable for cultivation in Sicily can be used. If the specification involves two, three or four grape varieties, there are additional production constraints, for which reference should be made to the information contained in the specification.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The white wine (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of 10,50% vol) is a more or less intense straw yellow colour, with a fine, elegant aroma and a dry to sweet, balanced and characteristic taste. The red (11% vol) has a more or less intense ruby red colour, combined with a pleasant, fine aroma and a harmonious flavour, which ranges from dry to sweet. The rosé version (10,50% vol), finally, is characterized by a more or less intense pink color, the scent is fine, elegant and the taste, ranging from dry to sweet, is harmonious and balanced. The minimum total alcoholic strength by volume shall be 9% vol. for the sparkling, 11% vol. for the novello and 15% vol. for the liquoroso wine. The parameters may vary according to the type of wine: for a more precise characterization, please refer to the information contained in the specification.

Grape production area

The production area includes the entire “Sicilia” region.

Specificity and historical notes

The Sicilian winemaking tradition has ancient origins, as evidenced by archaeological finds and numerous Greek and Latin literary sources in reference to the wine of Sicily. Even during the dominion of the Muslims (827-1061), although the consumption of alcohol was forbidden, table grapes were grown and the vine "Zebib"; (now Zibibbo) was introduced in Pantelleria.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies

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