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Colli di Faenza

The "Colli di Faenza" Protected Designation of Origin includes the following types of wine: white, red and reserve red, Pinot Bianco, Sangiovese (also reserve) and Trebbiano.


"Colli di Faenza" white is made with a base of Chardonnay grapes, equal to a share between 40% and 60%, and a remaining part which includes Grechetto gentile, Pinot Bianco, Sauvignon Bianco and Trebbiano Romagnolo, used alone or in combination. For red wine, on the other hand, Cabernet Sauvignon is used (between 40% and 60%) together with Ancellotta, Ciliegiolo, Merlot and Sangiovese which, alone or in combination, cover the remaining part. "Colli di Faenza" wines with specific Pinot Bianco, Sangiovese and Trebbiano, on the other hand, are produced in purity, using 100% grapes from vineyards composed only of the corresponding grape variety.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The white wine (11% vol.) is straw yellow, with a more or less deep shade. The aroma is intense, delicate and fruity, with a dry, savoury and harmonious flavour. The Pinot Bianco (11% vol.) is also straw yellow, sometimes with greenish reflections; it has a delicate and intense aroma and a dry, fresh and harmonious flavour. The same tonality and taste is also true for Trebbiano (11.5% vol.), whose aroma has a winy character. The red and red Riserva (12% vol.), on the other hand, are intense ruby red, with an ethereal and pleasantly herbaceous bouquet and a full-bodied, dry and sometimes slightly tannic flavour. Finally, the Sangiovese (12% vol.), also in the Riserva version, is ruby red, with a characteristic and delicate perfume, reminiscent of violet. The palate is dry and harmonious, enhanced by a characteristic aftertaste.

Grape production area

The production area of "Colli di Faenza" is rather limited and precisely identified by the regulations. It is located between the provinces of Ravenna and Forlì – Cesena.

Specificity and historical notes

The wine tradition to which the "Colli di Faenza" wines belong is relatively recent, the result of the post-war and post-philoxera rebirth. Until the end of the 1800s, in fact, wine production was aimed at family use.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies
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