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The protected designation of origin "Vicenza" includes both basic wines, without any specification, and wines with an indication of grape variety. The first category includes White, Sparkling White, Sparkling White, Passito, Red, Novello, Rosato and Sparkling Rosé. In the second, instead, are included: Chardonnay (also sparkling), Garganego (also sparkling), Riesling, Sauvignon, Manzoni bianco, Pinot bianco (also sparkling), Pinot grigio, Moscato (also sparkling) and Cabernet.


At least 50% of the grapes used to produce the white wines must belong to the Garganega vine. In red wines, on the other hand, a minimum 50% of Merlot is required. In both cases, for the remaining portion (not exceeding 50%), other similar grape varieties are allowed, provided that they are included in the list of those used to produce single-variety wines. The latter, in turn, must be vinified with at least 85% of the corresponding specific grapes, to which can be added, up to a maximum of 15%, those of other varieties suitable for cultivation in the province of Vicenza.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The great variety of wines and winemaking techniques makes the Vicenza denomination extremely rich. Overall, the wines that make up the denomination differ in their medium sugar content, as well as their alcohol content, associated with a marked fixed acidity. The whites are fresh, delicately floral and harmonious, while the reds emerge for their structure and notes of red fruits and spices, and are characterized by a medium softness and the correct balance. A more precise description of the organoleptic characteristics of the different types can be found in the specification.

Grape production area

The production area, all located in the province of Vicenza, has a climate suitable for viticulture, thanks to the protection it obtains from the mountains to the north and from the Colli Berici to the south.

Specificity and historical notes

There are numerous historical evidences of the wine-growing vocation of the Vicenza area, starting from the vine of vinaccioli found in Montebello, in a Roman villa of the 1st or 2nd century.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies