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The Protected Geographical Indication (PG) "Trexenta" indicates white wines, also produced in the sparkling variant, red (with sparkling and Novello versions) and rosé (also sparkling).


"Trexenta" Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) wines must be obtained from vines suitable for cultivation in Sardegna. In case of specification of the vine, with the exception of Cannonau, Carignano, Girò, Malvasia, Monica, Moscato, Nasco, Nuragus, Semidano, Vermentino and Vernaccia, there is a minimum share of 85% of the corresponding vine, while the remaining 15% can be obtained from any vine suitable for cultivation in Sardinia. The specification is also valid in the sparkling and Novello types for the red grape varieties.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

White wines, even sparkling ones, are characterized by a colour ranging from paper white to amber yellow, a characteristic smell and a taste ranging from dry to sweet. The semi-sparkling reds and reds have a soft ruby to garnet-like appearance, with a characteristic aroma and a dry to sweet taste. The Novello version, on the other hand, differs in colour from red with purplish to ruby red reflections and in flavour from dry to sweet. Finally, the rosé type is distinguished by its pale pink to deep pink colour, with a characteristic aroma and a dry to sweet flavour. The minimum total alcoholic strength by volume is 10% vol. for white, 10.50% vol. for white, red and rosé sparkling and simple rosé, 11% vol. for red and red Novello. 

Grape production area

The production area includes the historical region of Trexenta, located in central-southern Sardegna, in the province of Cagliari.

Specificity and historical notes

Trexenta, one of the oldest regions in Sardegna, has been a wine growing region since the Neolithic Age. In the main nuragic settlements of Simieri, Turriga and Monte Luna, numerous remains of amphorae and containers for storing wine have been found.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies