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Salice Salentino

The Protected Designation of Origin "Salice Salentino" includes a wide range of wines, both without and with indication of grape variety: White (also produced in the type Spumante), Red (also Riserva), Rosé (also Spumante), Negroamaro (also Riserva), Negroamaro rosé (also Spumante), Pinot Bianco (also Spumante), Fiano (also Spumante), Chardonnay (also Spumante), Aleatico (also Riserva, Dolce, Liquoroso dolce and Liquoroso riserva).


The composition of the Salice Salentino wines depends on the type and presence or absence of the mention of the grape variety. As for wines without an indication, in the White there is at least 70% of Chardonnay, while in the Red and Rosé there is a minimum 75% of Negroamaro. For single-variety productions, however, at least 85% of grapes from the corresponding vine is required, which becomes 90% in the case of Negroamaro. Finally, in all types, to complete the remaining quotas, it is possible to use other similar grape varieties, suitable for cultivation in the Salento - Arco Jonico area, with the exception of Moscato Bianco and Moscatello selvatico bianco.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The white wine (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 11% vol.) is straw yellow in colour, with variable intensity, and can be enriched with greenish hues; the aroma is delicate and pleasantly fruity and goes well with a fresh and harmonious taste, ranging from dry to sweet. The Rosso (12% vol.) has a more or less intense ruby hue that, as it ages, can acquire garnet nuances; the aroma is pleasant and intense; the taste is full, warm and harmonious, robust but velvety, with a taste from dry to sweet. Finally, the Rosato (11.5% vol.) has different colour intensities, a delicate and pleasantly fruity aroma and a fresh and harmonious flavour, always from dry to sweet. In the single-varietal variants, it is then possible to trace further specific organoleptic characteristics, punctually described in the product specification.

Grape production area

The production area is between the provinces of Lecce and Brindisi.

Specificity and historical notes

The Salice Salentino DOC was introduced in 1976, as a result of the work of a number of local producers, who had already been active since the 1930s, with wines based on Negramaro and Malvasia nera.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies