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The "Reggiano" Protected Designation of Origin includes partially fermented wines and musts. There are four basic types: Red, Sparkling Red, Novello Red and Spumante White. These are flanked by the production of single-variety Lambrusco: Sparkling, Spumante, Novello, Sparkling Novello, Salamino, Sparkling Salamino.


The "Reggiano" red is made with between 30% and 60% of grapes from the Ancellotta vine, which is flanked by the grapes of some varieties Lambrusco (Salamino, Marani, Sorbara, Maestri, Grasparossa, Oliva, Viadanese and jagged leaf) as well as Sangiovese, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Marzemino, Fogarina and Malbo gentile. In the production of Spumante white, instead, are used the grapes of Lambrusco Marani, Lambrusco Maestri, Lambrusco Salamino, Lambrusco Montericco, Lambrusco di Sorbara and Malbo gentile. In the variants with indication of Lambrusco vine, this must represent 85% of the total, also combining grapes of Lambrusco Marani, Lambrusco salamino, Lambrusco Montericco, Lambrusco Maestri, Lambrusco di Sorbara, Lambrusco Grasparossa, Lambrusco Viadanese, Lambrusco oliva and Lambrusco Barghi. Finally, for Lambrusco Salamino, you need 85% of the homonymous vine, as well as 15% of Ancellotta, Lambrusco Marani, Lambrusco di Sorbara and Malbo gentile.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The red wines "Reggiano" are full-bodied and have fruity aromas, berries and drupes. Those produced with Ancellotta grapes have greater softness and warmth and lower acidity than Lambrusco. The latter, in fact, are good acidity and very fresh, enriched by floral aromas. White Spumante wine, on the other hand, is fresh and savoury, with a lower anthocyanin content than Lambrusco. The specific organoleptic characteristics of each type are punctually reported in the product specification.

Grape production area

The production area is located in the province of Reggio Emilia and consists mainly of a flat area with only a small portion of hills.

Specificity and historical notes

Of the mosaics preserved in the civic museums of “Reggio Emilia”, the birth of the “Reggio Emilia” vineyard can be traced back to the Roman era.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies