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Recioto di Soave

The Protected Designation of Origin "Recioto di Soave" (DOCG) includes, in addition to the basic version of the homonymous white wine, also the Classic and Sparkling Wine versions.


The prevailing grape variety used in the production of "Recioto di Soave" wines must come from the Garganega grape variety, with a minimum quota of 70%. The remaining part is made up of Trebbiano di Soave and, for a small percentage not exceeding 5%, other white grapes, allowed to be cultivated in the province of Verona.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

"Recioto di Soave" is a sweet wine with great structure. In the basic and Classic variants, it has a golden yellow colour, with different points of intensity, and has an alcohol content of 12% vol. The aroma is intense and fruity, in some productions enhanced by nuances of vanilla. The same notes can be found in the taste, which is sweet on the palate, velvety and round. In the Spumante version, Recioto di Soave is enriched with a fine and persistent froth and a full-bodied, sweet flavour. The minimum alcohol content drops to 11.50% vol.

Grape production area

The production area covers the central western part of the Lessini Mountains area. The area is characterized by a gentle hilly terrain, with vineyards that do not rise more than 350 m above sea level. Temperatures are mild, with hot summers and more abundant rainfall in spring and autumn.

Specificity and historical notes

The oldest admirer of "Recioto di Soave" seems to be Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths. One of his ministers, in fact, in an official document, requested, for court service, a "white" wine, made from grapes "chosen from the domestic pergolas". It was only in 1700, however, that Marquis Scipione Maffei was the first to write down the rules for the production of this wine.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies