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The Protected Designation of Origin Pantelleria, identifies the following white wines: Moscato di Pantelleria, Passito di Pantelleria, Pantelleria-Moscato spumante, Pantelleria-Moscato dorato, Pantelleria-Moscato liquoroso, Pantelleria-Passito liquoroso, Pantelleria-Zibibbo dolce and Pantelleria-bianco (also sparkling). 


The reference grape for the production of Pantelleria wines is the Zibibbo. This must be present in the vineyards from which the grapes used for winemaking come, with a minimum share of 85%. The remaining 15% can be made up of other white grapes, suitable for cultivation in Sicilia Region.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

Pantelleria wines have common organoleptic characteristics that make them unique in Italian wine production. All types are enhanced by pleasant, harmonious, characteristic and elegant aromas, typical of the Zibibbo vine. On the palate the wine is absolutely sweet, with a warm and soft taste accompanied by an unparalleled aroma and a persistent aroma. The individual wines then have their own peculiarities, which can be found punctually described in the specification. 

Grape production area

The production area coincides with the territory of the island of Pantelleria, characterised by the presence of strong winds. 

Specificity and historical notes

According to the most accredited historical theses, the Zibibbo arrived in Pantelleria from Africa, during the period of Arab domination (835 B.C.).

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies