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Moscato di Sorso - Sennori

The white wines of the Protected Designation of Origin "Moscato di Sorso - Sennori" or "Moscato di Sorso" or "Moscato di Sennori" are produced not only in the basic version but also in the Liquoroso, Passito and Spumante variants.


All the wines of the denomination must be produced with grapes coming mainly from the white Moscato vine. Grapes from other white grapes, suitable for cultivation in Sardegna, but with a quota that must not exceed 10%, are also allowed.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

Moscato di Sorso-Sennori white (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of 14% vol.) is a wine with a pleasant golden yellow colour, with an intense and characteristic aroma and a sweet, fine and velvety taste. The golden colour is typical of the Passito (13% vol.), which stands out for its ethereal aroma and sweet, full and honeyed flavour. The Liquoroso wine (17.5% vol.) is also golden yellow, with an intense, characteristic and ethereal aroma and a sweet, complex and fine taste. Spumante (14.5% vol.), on the other hand, is straw yellow, accompanied by a fine, evanescent froth, and has an aromatic, delicate and characteristic aroma, while on the palate it is sweet and fruity, with typical elements of the Moscato wine.

Grape production area

The production area coincides with the historical region of Romangia in north-western Sardegna. The territory is characterised by a variety of soils and a generally dry climate.

Specificity and historical notes

Viticulture in the Romangia area is very ancient, as the name of Romanesque origin also suggests, and has gradually developed over the centuries, strongly interconnected with popular culture.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies

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