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Molise o Del Molise

The Protected Designation of Origin "Molise" or "del Molise" offers a very wide range of wines, ranging from whites to reds and rosés, also produced in the Frizzante, Riserva, Spumante and Passito variants. In addition, there are also numerous single-variety productions: Chardonnay, Falanghina, Trebbiano, Sauvignon, Fiano, Greco Bianco, Malvasia, Moscato Bianco and Pinot Bianco. For an exhaustive list you can consult the product specification.


The Rosso and Rosato wines, and their respective variants, are produced with at least 85% of the grapes coming from the Montepulciano vine, to which are added, for a share not exceeding 15%, other similar berry varieties, suitable for cultivation in Molise. The quality spumante, both white and rosé, are made with 50% Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Moscato, Falanghina, Montepulciano (white vinified for the wine of the same color), Fiano and/or Malvasia, together with those of other white grapes. In all wines with an indication of the grape variety, however, this must represent, on its own, at least 85% of the grapes; other similar grape varieties may also be used, always suitable for cultivation in the region.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

In general, all the wines of the Molise denomination have a good alcohol content and a high phenolic concentration, combined with a low acidity. They are extremely fresh and their aroma is enhanced by pleasant notes, which leave a trace both in the sense of smell and in the aftertaste. The other organoleptic characteristics are quite varied, with significant differences between the different productions. In the specification it is possible to find a precise description of each wine.

Grape production area

The production area covers a large part of the Molise region.

Specificity and historical notes

Molise viticulture was already underway at the time of the Greeks and a first illustrious mention can be found in Pliny the Elder, who praises the wines of Isernia and mentions a particular production, obtained from a vine that he calls Pumula.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies