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Mamertino di Milazzo o Mamertino

The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) "Mamertino di Milazzo" or "Mamertino", identifies different types of wines:, White, Red, Calabrian (or Nero d'Avola) and Grillo Ansonica (or Grillo Inzolla). The first three are also produced in the Riserva variant.


The composition of the vineyards from which the grapes used to produce the wines of the denomination come from varies according to the type. For whites, a minimum quota of 35% of the Grillo and Ansonica vines is required (each with a minimum of 10%) and a quota of at least 45% of Cataratti. For the reds, however, you need at least 60% of Calabrese or Nero d'Avola and 10% (minimum) of Nocera. Finally, wines with an indication of the grape variety are produced with at least 85% of the corresponding grapes. An exception is the Grillo Ansonica, vinified in purity with 100% Grillo and Ansonica grapes (minimum 20% of each). In all productions, within the limits of the remaining quotas, the use of other similar grape varieties, suitable for cultivation in Sicily, is also allowed.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The white wine (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of 11.5% vol.) is straw-coloured, more or less intense, with possible greenish reflections; the aroma is pleasant, fine and characteristic, more or less fruity depending on the production; the taste is dry and balanced. In the Reserve the aspect changes to golden, embellished with amber reflections; the smell is ethereal, full and characteristic, sometimes with elements of passito; on the palate it is from dry to sweet, pleasant and typical. The Red (12.5% vol.) is ruby red in colour, which, as it ages, tends towards brick red; it has a typical, delicate and slightly fruity aroma and a dry, full-bodied and savoury taste. The Riserva variant (13% vol.) acquires a more intense colour, the aroma becomes winy and harmonious, while the taste is dry, full-bodied and full. Further peculiarities, typical of the particular grape variety, are manifested in the single-variety wines and can be found in the specification.

Grape production area

The production area is located close to the coast between the promontory of Tindari and the Colli S.Rizzo, in the Municipality of Messina.

Specificity and historical notes

The Mamertino has a long and glorious tradition that led him, already in the pre-war period, to be classified among the typical wines of the province of Messina.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies