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Colli Piacentini

"Colli Piacentini" is a Protected Designation of Origin that identifies a wide range of wines: Monterosso Val d'Arda, Trebbianino Val Trebbia, Valnure, Barbera, Malvasia, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Novello and Vin Santo. Some of these types, as specified in the product specification, are also produced in the variants sparkling, Spumante and/or Passito.


Most of the wines of the "Colli Piacentini" denomination have a rather complex ampelographic composition of the vineyards of origin of the grapes, as can be seen from the product specification. For whites, the main varieties, present with different percentages, are aromatic Malvasia di Candia, Moscato bianco, Ortrugo, Trebbiano Romagnolo, Sauvignon, Marsanne, Bervedino, Santa Maria. In the red wines, on the other hand, we have Pinot Noir, Barbera and Croatina. Finally, the wines Barbera, Bonarda, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon are all produced with a minimum share of 85% of grapes from the corresponding vine.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

In general, from the point of view of quality characteristics, "Colli Piacentini" wines can be grouped into two areas: red and white, with the first ones having a higher alcohol content. The types of grapes used and the soils in which the vines grow find excellent expression in sparkling wines, although there is also excellent quality production more steady or with more or less long aging. For the organoleptic characteristics of each wine, we recommend reading the product specification.

Grape production area

The production area of “Colli Piacentini” has typically subcontinental climatic conditions.

Specificity and historical notes

The viticulture in Piacenza has its main characteristics to the Greek tradition, from which it absorbed many of the techniques. Its development, however, continues in an important way also under Roman domination and then in the middle Ages and with the papacy.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies