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Carignano del Sulcis

The Protected Designation of Origin "Carignano del Sulcis" includes the wines Rosso (also Riserva and Superiore), Rosato, Novello and Passito.


All wines of this denomination must be produced using at least 85% of grapes from the Carignano vine. The remaining portion, never more than 15%, may be supplied by other similarly coloured grape varieties suitable for cultivation in Sardinia.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The Rosso (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 12% vol.) has a ruby red colour, a vinous aroma, pleasantly intense and a dry, savoury and harmonious flavour. In the Riserva (12.5% vol.) the tonality becomes more intense, the scent is fine and elegant and the taste is characteristic and dry. The Superiore (13% vol.) tends towards garnet in appearance and is accompanied by an intense and characteristic aroma and a dry, full and harmonious flavour. In Novello (11.5% vol.) the colour is ruby, with a vinous and fruity aroma and a dry and savoury flavour. In the Passito (16% vol.), on the other hand, the colour changes to amber, the aroma becomes more intense and the flavour is sweet, soft and velvety. Finally, the rosé (11.5% vol.) has a variable intensity and has a pleasantly winy aroma and a dry and harmonious taste.

Grape production area

The production area covers certain municipalities in the province of Carbonia-Iglesias and Cagliari and is entirely within the Sulcis area in western Sardinia.

Specificity and historical notes

The arrival of the Carignano vine in Sardinia is the subject of two different historical reconstructions. The first attributes its introduction to the Phoenicians, who have long dominated the Sulcis. The second, however, believes that the vine comes from Spain and entered the island during the first years of Iberian rule over the territory.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies