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The Controlled Designation of Origin "Carema" includes two types of red wine: Carema and Carema Riserva.


The "Carema" wines can only be produced using as prevalent grapes those of the Nebbiolo vine, which must constitute a share of no less than 85% of the total. The remaining part can be obtained from other pink grapes suitable for cultivation in Piemonte.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

In its basic version, the red wine "Carema" (minimum total alcohol content by volume 12% vol) has a ruby hue that tends to garnet. It has a characteristic and fine smell, reminiscent of the macerated rose. On the palate it gives a full-bodied, soft and velvety taste. In the reserve variant, the colour changes more markedly towards garnet, while the other organoleptic characteristics remain unchanged.

Grape production area

Geographically, Carema wines are born on the slopes of Monte Maletto, on the border with Val d'Aosta, climbing slopes between 350 and 700 meters above sea level.

Specificity and historical notes

Given the difficult morphological conditions in which it occurs, the cultivation of Nebbiolo has given rise to valuable wine solutions, which are also small masterpieces of architecture. This vine, in fact, is cultivated with pergola, with chestnut wood support crosspieces on which the trees are fixed. In turn, the pergolas are placed on artificial terraces made of dry stone walls.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies