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Campi Flegrei

The "Campi Flegrei" Protected Designation of Origin refers to a wide range of wines produced in Campania Region: White, Red, Falanghina, Falanghina passito, Falanghina spumante, Piedirosso (also called Pér and palummo rosso), Piedirosso riserva, Piedirosso rosato and Piedirosso passito.


"Campi Flegrei Bianco" is produced with Falanghina grapes (between 50% and 70%), together with other non-aromatic white grapes suitable for the province of Naples. The red version, on the other hand, has a prevalence of Piedirosso (minimum 50%), combined with Aglianico (minimum 30%) and other non-aromatic black grapes. For the different types of Falanghina and Piedirosso, finally, the use of at least 90% of grapes from the relevant vine (Falanghina or Piedirosso) is prescribed, with the competition of other similarly coloured grape varieties, provided they are suitable for cultivation in the province of Naples (maximum 10%).

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The white wine (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of 10.5% vol.) is straw-coloured; its aroma is vinous and delicate; its flavour is fresh, dry and harmonious. The red (11.5%) is ruby red and tends towards garnet as it ages; it has a vinous and pleasant aroma; it has a dry, typical and harmonious flavour. The Falanghina (11%) are straw yellow, with a delicate aroma and a dry, harmonious and soft flavour. The sparkling version (11.5%) has a fine and persistent foam and a brut to extradry flavour, while the Passito version (15%) is golden, with a complex and winy aroma and a dry to sweet, warm and soft flavour. The red Piedirosso (11.5%) is ruby red, with an intense aroma and a dry and harmonious flavour. The Passito variant (17%) has a softer flavour, from dry to sweet. The Piedirosso rosato (11.5%) is a rose estate or cherry, with a complex, fine and fruity aroma and a dry, soft, fresh and savoury flavour.

Grape production area

It is produced in the territory of seven municipalities located around the province of Naples.

Specificity and historical notes

The Campi Flegrei area is rich in history and winemaking traditions. The oldest mention is of Pliny the Elder, who speaks of a wine columbine in the area of Puteoli, which could be the Piedirosso.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies