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Barbera del Monferrato

The Protected Designation of Origin "Barbera del Monferrato" corresponds to two types of wine: Barbera del Monferrato and sparkling.


The "Barbera del Monferrato" wines are made up of at least 85% Barbera grapes and a maximum of 15% Freisa, Grignolino and Dolcetto, present alone or in combination.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The basic "Barbera del Monferrato" (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 11,5% vol.) has a more or less intense ruby red colour; its aroma is vinous and characteristic; its flavour is dry, on average full-bodied and lively. In the sparkling version (11,5% vol.), on the other hand, the ruby red colour, more or less intense, is enriched by a fine and persistent foam; the aroma is confirmed as vinous and characteristic, while the flavour is dry or slightly sweet and medium bodied.

Grape production area

The production area is medium hilly and includes the province of Asti and partly that of Alessandria, on mainly calcareous soils.

Specificity and historical notes

The history of the winemaking tradition in the area of production of Barbera del Monferrato is ancient and dates back to well before the '800. The link with the territory, the environmental variability and the ancient tradition make Barbera del Monferrato a product of high value.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies