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The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) "Arborea" includes four types of wine: “Sangiovese” base and rosé, Trebbiano basic and sparkling.


At least 85% of "Sangiovese" is made up of Sangiovese, and non-aromatic red grapes suitable for cultivation in Sardegna may be used up to a maximum of 15%. At least 85% of the Trebbiano is made up of Trebbiano romagnolo and/or toscano; non-aromatic white grapes suitable for cultivation in Sardegna may be used up to a maximum of 15%.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The red "Sangiovese" (minimum total alcoholic strength by volume 11% vol.) has a ruby red color, the smell is intense and winy, the flavor is parched, but soft, fresh and aromatic. The rosé version (11% vol.), on the other hand, has a pinkish colour tending towards cerasulo, with a delicate aroma and a parched, savoury, harmonious and fresh flavour. The Trebbiano (10.5% vol.) has a straw yellow colour, sometimes with greenish reflections, the aroma is mild and delicate, the taste is dry or sweet fresh, slightly acidulous. The sparkling Trebbiano (10.5% vol.), on the other hand, has a fine and effervescent foam, the color is straw yellow sometimes with greenish reflections, the flavor is dry or medium-sweet and fresh, slightly acidulous and harmonious.

Grape production area

The cultivation area is located in the central western part of Sardegna, in territories ranging from hilly to more or less flat, on soils ranging from deep and fresh silty-clay matrix, to those of alluvial origin, more loose.

Specificity and historical notes

The presence of viticulture in the area is traced back to antiquity. The wine-growing tradition, combined with a wide and varied cultivation area, with orography from flat to hilly, on variously changing soils, make "Arborea" a high quality product.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies