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Rosso Cònero

"Rosso Cònero" is a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) that identifies only one specific type of red wine.


Rosso Cònero is vinified using grapes that come from vineyards composed mainly and for a minimum of 85% of the Montepulciano vine. The remaining 15% may be represented by other red grapes, non-aromatic and suitable for cultivation in the Marche.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The intense ruby red colour is one of the distinctive elements of Rosso Cònero wine, which is structured and full-bodied. The aroma is quite pleasant and winy, combined with a savory, harmonious and dry taste. When young, it has a pungent tannicity, which becomes pleasantly soft with ageing. The bouquet is similar, with the vinosity transformed into notes of fruit.

Grape production area

The production area is located in the Marche region and more precisely in the province of Ancona. The area is characterized by the presence of Monte Cònero and by a Mediterranean climate with not particularly humid summers.

Specificity and historical notes

The oldest winemaking history of the Rosso Cònero area is intertwined with the events of three populations: the Dori (Greek), who founded the city of Ancona and probably imported the vine, the Etruscans, who undoubtedly influenced the area with their technical knowledge, and finally the Piceni.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies