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Collina del Milanese

The Protected Geographical Indication "Collina del Milanese" includes white wines (also sparkling and passito), red wines (also sparkling and novello) and rosé wines (also sparkling).


The "Collina del Milanese" PGI wines must be obtained from grapes coming from vineyards made up of one or more vines suitable for cultivation in the Lombardy Region. The specification of one of the varieties suitable for cultivation in the Lombardy Region is reserved for wines obtained from grapes coming from vineyards made up of at least 85% of the corresponding varieties. Grapes from similarly coloured, non-aromatic berry varieties suitable for cultivation in the Lombardia Region may be used, up to a maximum of 15%. Wines with the specification of one of the vines can also be produced in the sparkling and passito type.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The minimum alcoholic strength of "Collina del Milanese" PGI wines is 10.00% vol. for white wines, 10.50% vol. for red and rosé wines, 11.00% for passito wines. The white wine has a straw-yellow colour, a delicate aroma and a harmonious flavour, sometimes sweetish. The red typology is more or less intense ruby in colour, the aroma is vinous and characteristic, while the taste is dry, savoury, fresh and lively. The rosé, on the other hand, is pink in colour and of varying intensity, has a vinous and floral odour and a dry, savoury, fresh and lively flavour. Finally, the passito is golden yellow to slightly amber in colour, with an aromatic and delicate aroma and a sweet and velvety taste.

Grape production area

The production area includes the central southern part of Lombardia, a hilly area in the middle of the Pianura Padana, south of Milano, between the Lodigiana Plain and the lower Pavia area.

Specificity and historical notes

Andrea Bacci, philosopher, physician and writer, in his "De naturali vinorum historia" of 1595, a compendium in seven books on all known wines, meticulously described the vines and wines of the territory south of Milano, focusing on the winemaking of San Colombano.

Source: MIPAAF - Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies